So, I screwed up!! At midnight, last night, I thought about checking on my newest book promotion: the FREE final book in my cyber-punk, vampire trilogy, but my bed was calling me. After late morning Starbucks and a scone, I checked my book's Amazon page and OMG!!! No promo!! No FREE book! I had set Book 2 to FREE promo, instead?!! Book 2 had been free in the summer months - so, I had already given out 82 free e-books on that one. Omigod-ghod-gosh!
Two hours later, I have this promo 'thing' all straightened out, on the deal. So, if you'd like a FREE TRILOGY - be quick. Today, the Book 2 Free Promo will end (thank fright!), and then, October 28th - 31st, Book 3 will be on free promo (still 4 days, but moved down one number). Lastly, Book 1 which was scheduled for free promo from Halloween Night to November 3rd remains on as mentioned. All calmed down, there it was like the good book 1 that it is, patiently set upon the Bookshelf, all this time, awaiting its debut as part of a trilogy - not alone like it once was, but a leader of its kind. So love it, thank it - read it for Bub's sakes - on Halloween Night, Day of the Dead, or anytime the wind brushes limbs against the window panes moving shadows in the corners of your room while you duck under covers, safe, warm, and reading The Quill Pen Killer rather than meeting your vampire out in the night. Unless its Halloween, and it IS the treat I'm giving at the door.
Note to self: put down the Starbucks and check on my promos at midnight next time.
Two hours later, I have this promo 'thing' all straightened out, on the deal. So, if you'd like a FREE TRILOGY - be quick. Today, the Book 2 Free Promo will end (thank fright!), and then, October 28th - 31st, Book 3 will be on free promo (still 4 days, but moved down one number). Lastly, Book 1 which was scheduled for free promo from Halloween Night to November 3rd remains on as mentioned. All calmed down, there it was like the good book 1 that it is, patiently set upon the Bookshelf, all this time, awaiting its debut as part of a trilogy - not alone like it once was, but a leader of its kind. So love it, thank it - read it for Bub's sakes - on Halloween Night, Day of the Dead, or anytime the wind brushes limbs against the window panes moving shadows in the corners of your room while you duck under covers, safe, warm, and reading The Quill Pen Killer rather than meeting your vampire out in the night. Unless its Halloween, and it IS the treat I'm giving at the door.
Note to self: put down the Starbucks and check on my promos at midnight next time.
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